Friday, November 29, 2013

Good Day All!

I started reading a book last night, and ended up finishing it this morning, and I absolutely couldn't put it down!  Here is the review:

If Only We by Jessica Sankiewicz

This book was a very good read!  I couldn’t put it down.  I literally started reading one chapter before bed one night, and then finished it in two hours the next morning!  The characters, Adrienne and Chevy just really kept me routing for them.  This book had kind of a “Butterfly Effect” mood to it, where Adrienne was trying to rewrite history, but realized that some things were inevitable and had to happen, even if the circumstances were different.  I related a lot to the situation between her and her parents, and not wanting to let them down with her career choices.  I would absolutely recommend this book, and I feel that Ms. Sankiewicz did very well with this story, and I am excited to read more of her work.

So there is what I have for you for now, please feel free to stop by my blog and read other reviews.  Happy Reading!

<3 Shauna

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